Welcome to the series, Scoop Spotlights. Here I’ll be spotlighting all of my favorite instructors, businesses, studios, etc. Feel free to nominate a place or individual to spotlight!
SO excited to chat with Justin of Sticker Shuttle today! I personally use this service for allll my sticker needs. The stickers are great and the customer service is unmatched! If you have come to any event of mine you have either seen my cute lil logo adorned to all the swag bags. Or if you were lucky enough to come to THE BODY SHOP, then you were also lucky enough to receive my absolute favorite stickers as a gift. They say ‘Community Is The New Currency’. I’m obsessed with them and they fill me with such joy every time I look at them.
Get to know Justin below! When you’re done reading make sure to go follow @stickershuttle over on instagram!
What’s your name and tell me a little bit about yourself?
My name is Justin Fowler and I’m a creative thinker and explorer. I tend to constantly look for solutions to problems and I usually end up with a creative solution. And somehow always brand it. It’s just how my brain works.
What is your business and where are you located? How did you get started?
I own a company called Sticker Shuttle and we’re located in Denver, Colorado. And how I got started is an interesting story…
My good friend in California was selling meme stickers on Facebook marketplace. Making a killing honestly. And It was just a side gig. I wanted in. So I started selling meme stickers and it was extremely fun. He printed them, shipped them to me, I shipped them to my customers. We’re talking 30-50 stickers a day being sold. It was wild.
Time goes on, Sticker Shuttle saves up enough money to buy our own printer. And we start leaning in on small businesses and creators. While our end goal is retail and custom, I have a special place in my heart for small business.
What do you specialize in?
I specialize specifically in branding and bringing together communities. So I guess that’s called marketing.
Who is your ideal client?
Our ideal client is a small business or creator/maker. We want to show the power of stickers and how they can impact your customer satisfaction metrics.
What sets you apart in your industry?
I feel as if we take on more of a small business, neighborhood friend, type approach to every customer. We want them to feel like they know us. I want them to feel like they are a part of something. And if I can bring businesses together through stickers? You’re damn right I’m going to!
Tell us about the biggest hurdles you have faced.
One of the biggest hurdles was going from a three person team to solo. We moved an 80” printer into our dining room, converted it into a workshop, and worked out of there for 6 months. It was tough but felt as if it was needed.
How about some of your biggest successes?
One of my favorite successes is seeing people share content of them being so happy with their stickers. Every time I see someone tagged us in a story, post, etc I get so excited. My favorite tangible success is that we’ve sold stickers to someone in every state of the US.
How can this community support you?
One of the biggest things a person can do for a small business is tell their friends about them when the opportunity is there. It’s crucial we support each other and support each others goals. Any positive action towards a small business goes highly noticed and usually makes the owners day.
What’s next for you? Any fun events or promotions coming up?
I am planning something big for next year and I’m so excited for it. All I can say so far is there will be a bunch of small businesses selling things in unison to people who walk by.
Any exclusive ~scoop~ you can share with us??
I don’t have anything exclusive (other than #9) but if you or someone you know runs a small business, you can get 25 FREE custom stickers by texting ’SMALLBIZ’ to 303-529-2598

I wish I could share some of my Sticker Shuttle stickers with you through the screen. You really have to see and feel them to know what amazing quality they are. Now go show Justin some love and text him!! You won’t be disappointed.
Check out Sticker Shuttle here!
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