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Review: Butcher Shop Fitness โ†’

Mar 22, 2023

shared by katie

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Studio Reviews

Location: German Village


After I took my first class, I told my instructor, Rachelle that it was way too hard and I never wanted to subject myself to that type of torture again ๐Ÿ˜‚. Thank goodness she convinced me to do the two week new client special. By my third class I had drunk the kool-aid, bought the tshirt, and was planning my week around my Butcher Shop classes. Their lagree classes are fifty minutes and use the megaformer in every way possible. NGL, it takes a few classes to really get into the swing of things and learn the lingo… but holy shit is this workout effective. Every single class hits multiple muscle groups by using super slooooow and controlled movements. The instructors at The Butcher Shop push you past your comfort zone and have you holding moves you never thought possible. Your muscles will be shaking and burning at the same time but after a few classes youโ€™ll find this super addictive. After two weeks I already feel significant advances in my core strength and definition and feel like my muscles have lengthened dramatically. While both studios are amazing (and super instagramable) I fell in love with the โ€˜Open Airโ€™ studio. I highly recommend taking the โ€˜Fundamentalsโ€™ class if youโ€™re new to the studio or lagree in general. Learn from my mistakes, your body will thank you.


$25/single class ($59 for the two week new client special – cannot recommend this enough!)


This place has everyone feeling like an absolute badass. The dark room paired with the red tinted lights make you feel like you can do anything.. even as your muscles are shaking till failure. Theyโ€™ve somehow managed to make the idea of a butcher shop feel like an exclusive club.

Check out Butcher Shop Fitness in the German Village here.

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