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Review: Rewild Yoga in Grandview →

Mar 21, 2023

shared by katie

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Featured, Studio Reviews

Location: Grandview


I was able to meet up with @zoebfitness to check out Rewild Yoga last week. They are located on a busy and loud section of 5th ave, but as soon as you walk in the front door you are met with a welcomed silence. I loved that the instructor asked everyone before class started what they wanted to work on and if there was anything particular everyone would like to see during the class. Felt like a ‘choose your own adventure’ story. To begin the class, owner and instructor, Steve led everyone through a fast paced flow. At first, I felt like this was way too fast and that I must have signed up for the wrong class. I realized after a few flows though, that this was very intentional and Steve was using this as a way for us to all get out of our own heads and focus on our bodies and the movement. The class is heated and it feels amazing. I got to class early and just laid out on my mat while I waited for class to begin. It was warm without being hot and I could feel my muscles loosening before we even started. There are no mirrors in the studio. I couldn’t tell if I loved or hated that, tbh. On one hand, not having mirrors forces you to really connect with the practice. On the other hand, at certain points in class I wish I had a mirror to check my form. Class ended with a nice long and juicy savasana. Obvi that was my favorite part 😉 Overall a great class, but I wish there was more space in between yoga mats. Being so close to other students kept me from fully relaxing and concentrating on my own training.


Single class – $19 


The vibe here is an absolute dream. This place is exactly how you think a yoga studio *should* look. TONS of space, lots of greenery, smells amazing (especially impressive considering this is a hot yoga studio). Overall the studio has an extremely calming and zen aesthetic… which is also wildly instagramable.

Check out Rewild Yoga here.

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