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Review: Spenga Hilliard→

May 2, 2023

shared by katie

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Studio Reviews, Trending

Locations: Hilliard, Gahanna


@spengahilliard is a wildly cool concept. They feature three different types of studios under one roof. Each class is an hour long, but you’re getting three workouts (20 minutes of spinning, 20 minutes strength, 20 minutes yoga). You start off with spin class. These bikes are the most comfortable I have EVER sat on. What makes spinning different here is the ‘sweet spot’. Here, the sweet spot customizes your ride and determines your personal power zones. These numbers are super specific to the YOU and help to provide a more efficient workout. You can see your sweet spot numbers on the screen in the front of the class. As soon as you hit them, your name will turn green. Spenga’s technology constantly makes adjustments to your numbers based on performance. Once you hit the strength room, you are put through several rounds of compounding exercises. The rest time is minimal and you’re encouraged to grab heavy weights. If you’re struggling, trainers offer the class a ‘survivor’ exercise. This is usually similar to current exercises you are performing but scaled back a bit. This way you are still working hard, but not losing momentum. You finish with yoga. You’ll be lead through a short flow that focuses on recovery. This is such an nice way to end class. After putting in hard WERK it’s wild that you actually leave the studio feeling relaxed!


First class FREE!


It’s so hard to describe the vibe here because it changes every 20 mins! There is lemongrass aromatherapy being pumped through the vents. It smells so much better than a studio usually smells. 😂 The spin room is similar to other spinning studios you have been to. Strength is a long room set up with stations on either side. Bc you are directly facing another member while you work out it’s easy to make a connection and cheer each other on. The yoga room is a very typical yoga studio feel. It’s cool that all of these ‘rooms’ are right next to each other in an open concept floor plan yet still feel completely different. Several members came up to introduce themselves when they saw I was new. It’s obvi the love they have for #spengahilliard.

Check out Spenga Hilliard here!

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