Location: Grandview
Let’s talk recovery. I am admittedly TERRIBLE at stretching. I ~know~ I need to do it, but I usually let it fall to the back burner. I typically perform a quick two minute stretch post workout but nothing of real value. I was excited when I discovered the Stretch Zone while out on a walk. I reached out to schedule my complimentary session. This place must be popular, as it took some time to get an available appointment.
For your first session, plan to be there about an hour. You’ll spend a half hour talking to your stretch pro about problem areas, your current exercise routine, and your goals, as well as getting a run down of the stretch zone technique. During the actual stretch session, you’ll hop up on a massage table and your stretch pro will perform each stretch three times. The goal of doing each stretch three times is to reach a deeper level each time. You’ll give number cues to your pro during each stretch.
On a scale of one to ten of intensity, you want each stretch to be at a three, five, and a seven respectively. I was able to feel the difference in my body almost immediately after the guided stretch – I was amazed at how much looser my body felt.
Free 30 minute stretch session. Monthly memberships starting at various price points.They were a little sus when it came to pricing, tbh.
I had the idea in my head that this would be a super relaxing experience – similar to when you go for a massage. While my legs and hips felt amazing afterwards, I wouldn’t call the session relaxing as there is a lot of conversation going on with you and your stretch pro.
The advantage here is that the conversation is generally constructive, as you learn about how certain stretches impact your body and which ones you should focus on. This session made me realize just how badly I need to incorporate stretching into my daily routine. I would love to come back but not sure I would based on price. Have you tried it??
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