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Review: Coach Ames →

Mar 28, 2023

shared by katie

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Studio Reviews


I started this account to force myself to get out of the house and try new fitness studios. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to try Amy’s virtual zoom workouts. After a year of at home workouts and zoom classes I was checked out. Well, Amy breathed new life into my living room! Zoom Fatigue? We don’t know her. Her class was body weight only but don’t think for a second it was easy. Her whole session consisted of combo rounds where she added intensity to each round. While she encouraged everyone to raise the intensity, she also made note of modifications that could be taken with each set. What makes Amy’s at home workouts worth it? A few things stood out to me. She provides a thorough warm up, which really helps prepare your body for the challenging moves in the class. It felt amazing to have your body actually primed to do them. Most in-studio classes don’t give nearly as much, if any guided warm ups. Amy is also super strict with form. This is SO important since the class is virtual and it’s so easy to perform a move with improper form and have no one notice. Amy provides super detailed cues to make sure no one is doing anything that would injure themselves. Amy murders you in class, but you can’t even be mad. She dances between sets and has a permanent smile on her face the whole time. You can absolutely tell she loves what she’s doing.




Because these classes are virtual you create the vibe! Clear some space and roll out a mat and make her workouts work for you! She provides an amazing dose of energy and personality tho to get you started 😉

Check out Coach Ames here!

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